Candidate Charter
Talented people are our lifeblood and we want to ensure that every stage of your candidate journey reflects this.
At Odgers Interim we care deeply about what we do, who we are and how we deliver our services. We aim to treat everyone with integrity, irrespective of whether they are a client, a current or past interim or a candidate who is considering embarking upon an interim career with us.
We recognise that we have a commitment to everyone who engages with us and our conversations and communications will acknowledge the different needs and aspirations of every person we meet. We will be responsive and truthful to the individual in front of us and we undertake that our interactions will always be respectful, honest, professional and knowledgeable.
Whether you come in to meet with our consultants to share your biography and your future career ambitions or whether we approach you about a specific interim opportunity, we want you to have a constructive and positive experience when engaging with us. Interims and candidates matter at Odgers Interim and we will strive to build genuine, collaborative, non-transactional and long-lasting relationships across our interim community.
Our commitments to our candidates and interims are:
- We will be inclusive, open and fair-minded at all times.
- We will only contact you in relation to roles where we think there is a strong match between your skill-set and experience and the client’s requirements. We recognise that each interim role application and/or client interview requires a significant time resource from you and we will be respectful of your time and commitment to each process.
- We will represent you effectively to our client, based on the accurate information that you give us in confidence.
- We will work collaboratively with you and brief you thoroughly about any interim opportunity to ensure that your candidacy is as strong as it can be.
- We will maintain a regular dialogue with you throughout a recruitment selection process. We will keep you informed; communicate outcomes promptly; and give fair and honest feedback whenever we can.
- We will be clear with our clients that we will expect to give constructive feedback to all our candidates as an integral part of the selection process.
- We will take a long-term view of your career and our relationship with you. Where possible, we will help you with career-mapping and, as subject-matter experts with a deep knowledge of our markets, we will give you realistic interim career advice to help you fulfil your ambitions.
- We will embrace continuous improvement, for example by carrying out regular quality assurance audits of each stage of the candidate experience.
If at any stage you feel we have not lived up to the letter or spirit of this charter, please tell us. We do want to know and invite you to email us.
Grant Speed, Managing Director at Odgers Interim;
or Sally Havers, Head of Candidate Care at Odgers Interim