At Odgers Interim, we are committed to diversity and inclusion. We endeavour to continuously improve upon our levels of diversity and create an environment where everyone is comfortable being…
Our Interim Private Equity solutions practice supports firms throughout EMEA, working across all industry verticals. Supported by various in-country functional and sector experts throughout…
Being an interim executive can be difficult, so we’ve created a community that supports and enables our candidates. We like our candidates to be honest with us when we’re…
Do you have an assignment? Talk to us After 20 years and meeting thousands of candidates, we know what the best interims look like for tackling practically any assignment. From project…
Our consultants don’t operate in functional silos. The breadth of our expertise comes from the love we have for every sector, regardless of the positions we’re working on. Excellence can come…
View all articles Securing expertise from across the public and private sectors must be the priority of every government department and government agency that is feeling the pressure of fiscal…
Welcome to Odgers Interim We find outstanding senior executives to provide immediate short-term injections of management skills, which in the long-term add value to an organisation. We have…
From corporate governance to regulatory compliance, our interim legal managers offer strategic counsel and hands-on support to navigate complex legal challenges. With a focus on delivering…