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808 results:

Guest Interview: Stephen Prendergast tells us about his 30 year journey; from a full-time director to interim turnaround specialist

Guest Interview: Stephen Prendergast tells us about his 30 year journey; from a full-time director to interim turnaround specialist

Guest Interview: Stephen Prendergast tells us about his 30 year journey; from a full-time director to interim turnaround specialist You would be hard-pressed to find someone with more experience in…

With Interims, family businesses can realise their boldest ambitions

With Interims, family businesses can realise their boldest ambitions

With Interims, family businesses can realise their boldest ambitions In this article, we argue that with the support of experienced interim managers, family businesses can realise their boldest…

Mike Falvey discusses the future of local government

Mike Falvey discusses the future of local government

Mike Falvey discusses the future of local government Mike Falvey, Partner at KPMG UK's People Powered Performance team, addresses Odgers Interim local government dinner this April. Mike Falvey…

Interim managers are finding favour in construction

Interim managers are finding favour in construction

Interim managers are finding favour in construction Current market conditions have helped the construction sector on its way to benefit from brining in outside expertise. The construction sector has…

Guest Interview: Jennifer Peart. Emerging trends in technology and her 20 year journey from Silicon Valley to London

Guest Interview: Jennifer Peart. Emerging trends in technology and her 20 year journey from Silicon Valley to London

Guest Interview: Jennifer Peart. Emerging trends in technology and her 20 year journey from Silicon Valley to London Jennifer Peart, specialist interim, discusses the art of managing change in the…

Managing change to support success within Local Government

Managing change to support success within Local Government

Managing change to support success within Local Government With public sector austerity measures set to continue in light of recent Election results... With public sector austerity measures set to…

The Art of Managing Change

The Art of Managing Change

The Art of Managing Change We explore why now is a pertinent time to explore the changes that are taking place the key UK sectors and the resulting demands on the interim sector. As we transition…

Interims: a fundamental tool to catalysing development within Britain’s high growth businesses

Interims: a fundamental tool to catalysing development within Britain’s high growth businesses

Interims: a fundamental tool to catalysing development within Britain’s high growth businesses In this article, we explore why for the technology sector interim management is one solution to bring…

Tech Sector Hunts for Interim support as Industry Thrives

Tech Sector Hunts for Interim support as Industry Thrives

Tech Sector Hunts for Interim support as Industry Thrives In this article, we discuss how and why the Tech Sector is on the hunt for interim management support as industry thrives. There is little…

A new Loyalty revolution - skillsets for the mobile era

A new Loyalty revolution - skillsets for the mobile era

A new Loyalty revolution - skillsets for the mobile era The impact of mobile and digital technology advances has been well documented through high profile brands such as Uber and the emergence of…

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