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808 results:

Interim support through significant regulatory change

Interim support through significant regulatory change

Interim support through significant regulatory change Interims who are seasoned risk and compliance officers could help to alleviate the pressure that occurs as a result of regulatory change. During…

The introduction of the Senior Insurance Managers Regime (SIMR)

The introduction of the Senior Insurance Managers Regime (SIMR)

The introduction of the Senior Insurance Managers Regime (SIMR) The insurance sector is set to experience a huge shift in organisational structures through the introduction of the Senior Insurance…

What are the biggest challenges of being an interim HR director? We ask Sharyn Wilson

What are the biggest challenges of being an interim HR director? We ask Sharyn Wilson

What are the biggest challenges of being an interim HR director? We ask Sharyn Wilson Sharyn Wilson has over 10 years’ experience as an interim HR Director, having worked across a broad range of…

Why interims are helping to build a stronger economy

Why interims are helping to build a stronger economy

Why interims are helping to build a stronger economy Not just a last resort – why interims are helping to build a stronger economy While there were no clear ‘rabbits in the hat’ from the Chancellor…

Bricks and clicks to omni-channel

Bricks and clicks to omni-channel

Bricks and clicks to omni-channel With consumers more informed, tech-literate and connected to retail businesses, omni-channel has now taken precedence as the future of the retail industry. The…

The ‘challenger mentality’: guest interview by Malcolm Wall

The ‘challenger mentality’: guest interview by Malcolm Wall

The ‘challenger mentality’: guest interview by Malcolm Wall The digital revolution has transformed the way we interact with each other and do business. But, more fundamentally, it has had a seismic…

The rise of the ‘end-to-end’ payments expert

The rise of the ‘end-to-end’ payments expert

The rise of the ‘end-to-end’ payments expert After spending years cultivating the plumbing of payment systems within multi-national banking organisations, there is a generation of talent that is…

Interim's have provided the support and catalyst for a year of tough decisions and transition

Interim's have provided the support and catalyst for a year of tough decisions and transition

Interim's have provided the support and catalyst for a year of tough decisions and transition Interims have provided an unwavering commitment to helping businesses and public sector organisations see…

Pensions sector eyes productivity amid M&A drive

Pensions sector eyes productivity amid M&A drive

Pensions sector eyes productivity amid M&A drive Pensions sector eyes productivity amid a wave of Merges and Acquistions, with senior leadership working to increase efficiency. Unprecedented…

Transformational change throughout healthcare

Transformational change throughout healthcare

Transformational change throughout healthcare From the Lord Carter review to the NHS Five Year Forward View, the NHS is undergoing an unprecedented period of change. Rebecca Cooper discusses how a…

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