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Are there now more questions than answers in Professional Services marketplace?

Are there now more questions than answers in Professional Services marketplace?

Are there now more questions than answers in Professional Services marketplace? Paul Smith, Head of Financial and Professional Services, discusses whether there are now more questions than answers in…

Odgers Berndtson’s new Private Equity Practice

Odgers Berndtson’s new Private Equity Practice

Odgers Berndtson’s new Private Equity Practice Simon Havers, consultant & head of Odgers Berndtson’s new Private Equity Practice… Simon, firstly can you please tell us a bit about your career to…

Guest Interview with Corinna Christophorou - Strategy Consultant and Interim Director

Guest Interview with Corinna Christophorou - Strategy Consultant and Interim Director

Guest Interview with Corinna Christophorou - Strategy Consultant and Interim Director In this interview, we talk to Corinna Christophorou, Strategy Consultant and Interim Director, about her interim…

Odgers Interim saves clients £130m in last 12 months

Odgers Interim saves clients £130m in last 12 months

Odgers Interim saves clients £130m in last 12 months “As a business we work hard and take our time to identify the individual goals for each client and brief..." Odgers Interim – one of the country’s…

Guest Interview with Ad van der Rest IIM, co-Chairman of the Institute of Interim Management...

Guest Interview with Ad van der Rest IIM, co-Chairman of the Institute of Interim Management...

Guest Interview with Ad van der Rest IIM, co-Chairman of the Institute of Interim Management... Ad van der Rest IIM, co-Chairman of the Institute of Interim Management... Ad, can you tell readers of…

“Public Services have coped well with austerity, so far”..

“Public Services have coped well with austerity, so far”..

“Public Services have coped well with austerity, so far”.. “Public Services have coped well with austerity, so far”....says Ipsos MORI’s Ben Page Ben Page – Chief Executive of Ipsos MORI – advised an…

‘Transport Infrastructure: The Route to Opportunities’

‘Transport Infrastructure: The Route to Opportunities’

‘Transport Infrastructure: The Route to Opportunities’ Chris Jones, Consultant in Odgers Interim’s Commercial Division, discusses ‘Transport Infrastructure: The Route to Opportunities’ ... For those…

Guest interview with Russell Whitaker, Chartered Surveyor

Guest interview with Russell Whitaker, Chartered Surveyor

Guest interview with Russell Whitaker, Chartered Surveyor Russell Whitaker – who is a Chartered Surveyor with Senior Executive/ Director level experience in a wide range of Public Sector and…

“Managing Major Programmes: Ensuring Success”

“Managing Major Programmes: Ensuring Success”

“Managing Major Programmes: Ensuring Success” Odgers Interim Confirms Paul Chapman as Keynote Speaker for “Managing Major Programmes: Ensuring Success” Event... Odgers Interim is pleased to announce…

Trends in the charities sector

Trends in the charities sector

Trends in the charities sector With statutory funding rapidly declining and the demand for high quality service provision unceasing, charities are finding themselves in a brave, and incredibly…

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