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789 results:

Hopes of ending the emergency: a critical time for the NHS

Hopes of ending the emergency: a critical time for the NHS

Hopes of ending the emergency: a critical time for the NHS Amid record A&E waiting times, hard-working frontline NHS staff feel disillusioned and overwhelmed. Health Secretary Steve Barclays…

Trouble in paradise: has the tech bubble burst?

Trouble in paradise: has the tech bubble burst?

Trouble in paradise: has the tech bubble burst? Mass layoffs at big tech companies have made headlines. Yet the pain isn’t universal, given numerous companies in the sector are still hiring. Andy…

Top Tips: CV writing

Top Tips: CV writing

Top Tips: CV writing CV writing is an important skill for every professional. CVs should be a living and continually updated document, showcasing your skills and experience, which have the potential…

Inclusive leadership in action: walking the talk

Inclusive leadership in action: walking the talk

Inclusive leadership in action: walking the talk Sue Johnson, Managing Partner of Odgers’ Inclusion & Diversity Consulting Practice, offers some insight into what leaders can do to ensure their…

What is Active Listening and why is it important in the workplace?

What is Active Listening and why is it important in the workplace?

What is Active Listening and why is it important in the workplace? Active listening requires full concentration on what is being spoken about, as opposed to passively “hearing” the conversation. It…

Diversity stats highlight the need to improve

Diversity stats highlight the need to improve

Diversity stats highlight the need to improve We’re proud of our unwavering commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (E,D&I) within our own workforce and when identifying interim talent for…

A reset moment: the confluence of ESG, Culture and Workplace Design

A reset moment: the confluence of ESG, Culture and Workplace Design

A reset moment: the confluence of ESG, Culture and Workplace Design To attract, retain and get the best out of talent, organisations must reshape the workplace so that it is fit for purpose in an…

Consumer protection at the forefront of regulatory change

Consumer protection at the forefront of regulatory change

Consumer protection at the forefront of regulatory change In a fast-evolving regulatory environment, financial institutions need to combine strong leadership with agility and operational resilience…

Why tech debt can be a drag in financial services

Why tech debt can be a drag in financial services

Why tech debt can be a drag in financial services What is tech debt, why does it hinder growth and how can financial services companies resolve the problem? Odgers Interim Principal, Financial…

Becoming a NED: how to land a non-executive role

Becoming a NED: how to land a non-executive role

Becoming a NED: how to land a non-executive role A recent webinar, hosted by Jes Ladva, Partner and Annaliese Rogers, Principal, Odgers Interim supported by Susanne Thorning-Lund, Board Practice…

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