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789 results:

Thérèse Coffey’s daunting inbox: the new Health Secretary faces some big and ongoing challenges

Thérèse Coffey’s daunting inbox: the new Health Secretary faces some big and ongoing challenges

Thérèse Coffey’s daunting inbox: the new Health Secretary faces some big and ongoing challenges As the new cabinet takes shape, the latest politician to occupy the healthcare hotseat has a major job…

Roaring success: women’s sport poised for strong growth

Roaring success: women’s sport poised for strong growth

Roaring success: women’s sport poised for strong growth England Lionesses lifting the Euro 2022 trophy was a feel-good moment for the country. But there’s also good reason to feel optimistic about…

Daniel Wood

 Daniel Wood

Daniel Wood

Unions take centre stage: a return of the 1970s?

Unions take centre stage: a return of the 1970s?

Unions take centre stage: a return of the 1970s? Ross Gordon, Principal Consultant, Business Services & Life Sciences, says interim industrial relations and corporate affairs expertise can help…

A time to pay tribute

A time to pay tribute

A time to pay tribute We have lived through a remarkable month. Surely, we will never again in our lifetimes see the accession of a new Prime Minister and a new monarch in the same week. Whatever…

Phoebe Turnbull

 Phoebe Turnbull

Phoebe Turnbull

Preparing for a zero-carbon future in Aerospace

Preparing for a zero-carbon future in Aerospace

Preparing for a zero-carbon future in Aerospace Harry Malins, Chief Innovation Officer at the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI), argues that although achieving Net Zero flight by 2050 is an…

Interim Insights: A conversation with Meena Kishinani

Interim Insights: A conversation with Meena Kishinani

Interim Insights: A conversation with Meena Kishinani This month we spoke with Meena Kishinani who is currently working as an Interim Director of Transformation for a Local Government client via our…

State of the nation: charities proudly standing firm

State of the nation: charities proudly standing firm

State of the nation: charities proudly standing firm Charity CEOs are having to innovate and dig deep at a time of talent shortages and a squeeze on donations, says Louise Beales, Consultant,…

Green and profitability: are they mutually exclusive?

Green and profitability: are they mutually exclusive?

Green and profitability: are they mutually exclusive? Chris Jones, Principal, Industrial and Transportation, says companies should treat sustainability as a business opportunity rather than…

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