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787 results:

Adapting to the new world order of M&A

Adapting to the new world order of M&A

Adapting to the new world order of M&A Elias Mazzawi, Interim Specialist in integration and and growth, explains how recession, higher interest rates and supply side challenges are triggering…

Insurance Outlook: Trends for 2023

Insurance Outlook: Trends for 2023

Insurance Outlook: Trends for 2023 We have once again entered a year with macroeconomic and geopolitical volatility, which is impacting all industries in the UK markets. Insurance is no exception…

Relieving the pressure: important issues for Housing in 2023

Relieving the pressure: important issues for Housing in 2023

Relieving the pressure: important issues for Housing in 2023 From financial challenges to the difficulties of employee retention in the midst of a cost of living crisis, providers are under enormous…

Music back catalogues: why are investors excited?

Music back catalogues: why are investors excited?

Music back catalogues: why are investors excited? In recent years, many music superstars have sold the rights to their hits for princely sums. Bambos Eracleous, Partner, Sports, Media and Gaming…

ESG grounded in reality: greater scrutiny calls for robust risk assessment

ESG grounded in reality: greater scrutiny calls for robust risk assessment

ESG grounded in reality: greater scrutiny calls for robust risk assessment Paul Wenman, owner of InvestAssure and an expert in sustainability, talks to Adam Gates, Partner and Head of our Insurance…

Market insight: interim management trends for 2023

Market insight: interim management trends for 2023

Market insight: interim management trends for 2023 Demand for interim talent remains strong and the market is evolving to meet changing client needs, says Jes Ladva, Managing Partner, Government,…

Sadly, it won’t be dull: 2023 predictions in Retail Banking and Consumer Finance

Sadly, it won’t be dull: 2023 predictions in Retail Banking and Consumer Finance

Sadly, it won’t be dull: 2023 predictions in Retail Banking and Consumer Finance At a recent lunch we hosted with several bank leaders the general feeling was that after the rollercoaster ride of…

Q&A: Narinder Uppal asks David Burns about his Interim career

Q&A: Narinder Uppal asks David Burns about his Interim career

Q&A: Narinder Uppal asks David Burns about his Interim career Tell us about your early career. After university I took a fantastic Gap Year as a ski instructor. When I came back to the Northwest, I…

Hopes of ending the emergency: a critical time for the NHS

Hopes of ending the emergency: a critical time for the NHS

Hopes of ending the emergency: a critical time for the NHS Amid record A&E waiting times, hard-working frontline NHS staff feel disillusioned and overwhelmed. Health Secretary Steve Barclays…

Trouble in paradise: has the tech bubble burst?

Trouble in paradise: has the tech bubble burst?

Trouble in paradise: has the tech bubble burst? Mass layoffs at big tech companies have made headlines. Yet the pain isn’t universal, given numerous companies in the sector are still hiring. Andy…

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