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787 results:

Empty shelves: overcoming supply and sustainability hurdles

Empty shelves: overcoming supply and sustainability hurdles

Empty shelves: overcoming supply and sustainability hurdles Supermarket shortages have become a familiar sight and illustrate the pressing need to resolve a host of supply chain challenges, say Zoe…

Surprising buoyancy: the Media & Entertainment sector holds up well

Surprising buoyancy: the Media & Entertainment sector holds up well

Surprising buoyancy: the Media & Entertainment sector holds up well Bambos Eracleous, Partner for Media & Entertainment, explains why there are still plenty of Interim Management opportunities in the…

Interim Insights: A conversation with Mayra Vivo-Torres, ESG, Sustainability and Net Zero Consultant

Interim Insights: A conversation with Mayra Vivo-Torres, ESG, Sustainability and Net Zero Consultant

Interim Insights: A conversation with Mayra Vivo-Torres, ESG, Sustainability and Net Zero Consultant Zoe Spalding, Resourcer at Odgers Interim, spoke to Mayra Vivo-Torre, a successful freelance…

A perennial celebration: how Odgers supports neurodiversity

A perennial celebration: how Odgers supports neurodiversity

A perennial celebration: how Odgers supports neurodiversity Three of our employees reveal how neurodiversity affects their lives and why it matters so much that Odgers’ supportive and inclusive…

Technology sector: 2023 hiring trends and predictions

Technology sector: 2023 hiring trends and predictions

Technology sector: 2023 hiring trends and predictions Caution seems to be the watchword in the industry right now, but there is still healthy demand for the right calibre of talent, says Andy…

Smart wins on Sustainability: local government success stories

Smart wins on Sustainability: local government success stories

Smart wins on Sustainability: local government success stories Councils up and down the UK are reaping impressive results from innovative and smartly implemented sustainability initiatives, says Jes…

FMCG Environmental Sustainability revisited: a complicated picture

FMCG Environmental Sustainability revisited: a complicated picture

FMCG Environmental Sustainability revisited: a complicated picture Under pressure from consumers and regulators, retailers and FMCG manufacturers are working hard on Sustainability. But is change…

Interim Insights: A conversation with Sustainability & ESG Expert, Ashley Tamburello

Interim Insights: A conversation with Sustainability & ESG Expert, Ashley Tamburello

Interim Insights: A conversation with Sustainability & ESG Expert, Ashley Tamburello This month we speak to sustainability and ESG expert, Ashley Tamburello, on what a role in sustainability means,…

Planting 5 trees for every candidate placed

Planting 5 trees for every candidate placed

Planting 5 trees for every candidate placed From March onwards, five trees will be planted every time Odgers Interim places a candidate. As a business, we are committed to sustainability. Our…

Preparing for a zero carbon future: where the technology can deliver

Preparing for a zero carbon future: where the technology can deliver

Preparing for a zero carbon future: where the technology can deliver Ian Constance, Chief Executive at the Advanced Propulsion Centre spoke at a recent webinar hosted by Tom Legard, Partner in the…

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