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Productivity challenge

Productivity challenge

Productivity challenge It's budget season, so in this article we reflect on the productivity challenge for the Chancellor, who will be trying to focus on less productive regions. The leaves are…

Is HR a ‘profit centre’?

Is HR a ‘profit centre’?

Is HR a ‘profit centre’? Tom Legard speaks to economist and interim Chris Roebuck about transforming the HR function with the help of interim managers to boost profits. Odgers Interim: HR as a…

As M&A gathers momentum in the Consumer sector, how has Brexit affected the sector?

As M&A gathers momentum in the Consumer sector, how has Brexit affected the sector?

As M&A gathers momentum in the Consumer sector, how has Brexit affected the sector? The consumer sector has been particularly affected by Brexit uncertainty The consumer sector has been particularly…

In the midst of the party political conference season

In the midst of the party political conference season

In the midst of the party political conference season We are in the midst of the party political conference season and a few things are certain; there will be fiery speeches, an endless diary of…

Open banking: power to the people?

Open banking: power to the people?

Open banking: power to the people? The open banking revolution is set to transform financial services in 2018. Open banking: power to the people? The open banking revolution is set to transform…

Odgers Interim appoints new head of local government practice

Odgers Interim appoints new head of local government practice

Odgers Interim appoints new head of local government practice Odgers Interim, the UK’s leading interim management provider, has hired Jes Ladva to lead its local government practice. Odgers Interim…

Brexit Series - the people agenda

Brexit Series - the people agenda

Brexit Series - the people agenda In this brief commentary, we introduce our quarterly series of Brexit roundtable discussions, in which we will be focussing on the people agenda. Brexit Series: the…

The independent health sector looks to interims for transformation support

The independent health sector looks to interims for transformation support

The independent health sector looks to interims for transformation support The independent health sector looks to interims for transformation support After a period of relative stability, business…

The Taylor Review - what did this tell us about the interim market and modern working practices?

The Taylor Review - what did this tell us about the interim market and modern working practices?

The Taylor Review - what did this tell us about the interim market and modern working practices? We discuss the Taylor Review, what it told us about the interim market and modern working practices,…

What is the Cyber Security Challenge in the Support Services Sector?

What is the Cyber Security Challenge in the Support Services Sector?

What is the Cyber Security Challenge in the Support Services Sector? This month, Duncan Hoggett speaks to IT security expert Randle Cowcher about the cyber security threat and how interims are…

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