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789 results:

Executive Coordinator to Andy, Charles and Daniel Charlotte Lupton

Executive Coordinator to Andy, Charles and Daniel Charlotte Lupton

Executive Coordinator to Andy, Charles and Daniel Charlotte Lupton

Returning to work after cancer

Returning to work after cancer

Returning to work after cancer This year on the 2nd of February I was diagnosed with a rare form of lung cancer. On 9th October 2022 I completed the Manchester Half Marathon surrounded by my closest…

The human angle: when supply chain issues hurt those in need

The human angle: when supply chain issues hurt those in need

The human angle: when supply chain issues hurt those in need Zoe Wakeham and Daniel Wood, Consultants in the Consumer and Retail Practice, argue that retailers can and should do more, and…

In a time of headwinds, aviation needs more automation

In a time of headwinds, aviation needs more automation

In a time of headwinds, aviation needs more automation Airlines and airports have struggled to fill certain roles after making drastic cutbacks. Automation holds the answer to some of the sector’s…

Helping your people to use their voice and speak up

Helping your people to use their voice and speak up

Helping your people to use their voice and speak up A recent event hosted by Becky Mackarel, Principal, Financial and Professional Services, and Adam Gates, Partner and Head of the Insurance…

The Wonder Woman Effect: practical tips on navigating the career ladder, in conjunction with WISH

The Wonder Woman Effect: practical tips on navigating the career ladder, in conjunction with WISH

The Wonder Woman Effect: practical tips on navigating the career ladder, in conjunction with WISH Annaliese Rogers, Principal in the Housing Practice and Sue Johnson, Managing Partner, Inclusion…

Why deficits can spell danger for supply-side economics

Why deficits can spell danger for supply-side economics

Why deficits can spell danger for supply-side economics The last time supply-side economics had such prominence in the news, Ronald Reagan was in the White House. The…

How I&D can improve safety and business performance

How I&D can improve safety and business performance

How I&D can improve safety and business performance At a recent event hosted by Terry Noble, Odgers Interim Principal, Energy, Utilities and Renewables, and Sue Johnson, Managing Partner, Odgers…

A good news update: Lisa lands her dream job

A good news update: Lisa lands her dream job

A good news update: Lisa lands her dream job Our Principal Consultant, Business Services, Ross Gordon is delighted by the outpouring of support for the young Ukrainian refugee living with his…

Odgers Interim and Odgers Berndtson wins at inaugural menopause awards judged by Carolyn Harris MP

Odgers Interim and Odgers Berndtson wins at inaugural menopause awards judged by Carolyn Harris MP

Odgers Interim and Odgers Berndtson wins at inaugural menopause awards judged by Carolyn Harris MP Alongside Odgers Berndtson, we are thrilled to have won the Trailblazer Award for our Internal…

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