Media Enquiries

Please contact Natasha Pabari for any media enquiries.

Natasha Pabari

Natasha Pabari

Marketing Manager


work +44 (0) 207 529 3968

20 Cannon Street

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In the press

Jonathan Flynn writes with retail sector expert Martin Newman: Leadership for the age of customer empowerment

Writing with retail sector expert Martin Newman, Jonathan Flynn, Retail Consultant at Odgers Interim, discusses the changing dynamics of the retail sector and why retail CEOs must become the agents for change. Touching on ideas such as agility and authenticity, the report outlines the skills, behaviours and communication styles required of leaders to empower their organisations, overcome the current challenges facing the sector and propel the business forward as retail moves into a new future state of being

Jes Ladva writes in the MJ: A heroes guide to the three ‘Rs’

Across government (local and central), as well as all sectors (private, public and not for profit), we have seen variations of the so called ‘Three Rs’. These broadly converge as three key words we find ourselves in post-COVID; response then renewal and very soon, reinvention

Tim Muzio comments in ZDNet: Coronavirus and a cashless society: We can't leave the most vulnerable behind

Opinion: Going cashless might be convenient for many, but for others, it risks causing misery.

Ali Palmer writes with Cameron Ireland, CDO, BoardEx: Leading through crisis

Ali Palmer, Partner and Head of the Consumer and Telecoms Practice at Odgers Interim, and Dominick Sutton, Chief Data Officer of BoardEx, discuss leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic and look at how senior management can effectively lead their team through economic difficulty, ensuring business continuity and the future state of working ways

Anna Piatnoczka writes in Global Banking and Finance Review: How banks should prepare for IR35 following the 12-month delay

Anna Piatnoczka, Financial Services Consultant at Odgers Interim, discusses the importance of the 12-month delay to IR35 and offers advice around how banks should prepare for the new deadline

Paul Wright shares his insights in Information Age: Coronavirus Diary: the impact on senior level recruitment in the technology industry

Paul Wright, head of the technology practice, Odgers Interim, explores the impact of coronavirus on senior level recruitment in the technology industry