Civil Service Chief Exec delivers keynote speech at Odgers Interim’s PPM Reception

PPM Reception: John Manzoni delivers keynote speech
At our recent Project and Programme Management Reception, we welcomed keynote speaker John Manzoni, Chief Executive of the Civil Service and Permanent Secretary for the Cabinet Office.
John Manzoni leads civil service reform and works with permanent secretaries across government to transform not only public services, but also how government operates. He is similarly responsible for the leadership and governance of the Cabinet Office.
Prior to becoming Chief Executive, John worked in the private sector for over 30 years – previously as the President of Canadian oil and gas firm Talisman Energy and as Chief Executive for Marketing and Refining at BP, where he served as a member of the central board.
Leading figures from across the infrastructure, manufacturing, aerospace, defence and utilities sectors gathered to hear John’s insights on managing change within the civil service.
From the start of his speech it was apparent John has the utmost respect and admiration for the work of the civil service and has been impressed by the intellectual capabilities and commitment to public service across the board. John’s own sense of public service came across strongly.
He went on to describe the huge opportunity there is within the civil service to drive efficiencies, but also to improve commercial performance for taxpayers – and to achieve this he is working towards the long-term goal of creating and working as a shared governmental entity, rather than as separate departments.
Turning to the progress that had already been made, he referenced the government’s response to the collapse of construction services company Carillion.
John also discussed the benefits of leveraging private sector experience to deliver change in the public sector.
Duncan Hoggett, Partner in the Energy & Utilities, Industrial and Renewables practice at Odgers Interim, comments: “Our annual reception is a great opportunity to find out more about change management from leaders in their field. John’s role of overseeing the inner workings of government was particularly interesting, and gave a real insight into delivering change in a multi-layered public body.
“It was also encouraging to hear John cite the importance of private sector experience in helping to create more efficient practice. Improving performance is a key target for industrial firms at the moment, and interim leaders with relevant experience outside of the sector are becoming increasingly valuable. We’ve received excellent feedback from attendees, who were impressed by John’s experience and enthusiasm for the enormous task he faces.”
Hugh Taylor at 28/02/2018 18:09 said:
Barry Ryan at 15/03/2018 14:32 said:
Shaz shaad at 23/03/2018 01:20 said:
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