My take on the EU Referendum

Spring has arrived and a busy summer awaits. With the EU Referendum fast approaching, there is a great deal of political jousting to witness in the coming weeks.
Ask any management team and they would be grateful for a crystal ball that could offer some insight into the economic and political landscape that will unfold following the referendum. However, it is concerning that many businesses have not put contingency plans in place. According to Grant Thornton UK, almost two thirds (65 per cent) of businesses have not planned at all for the possibility of ‘Brexit’.
That said, for much of the business community and the public sector, the result of the referendum is not necessarily the greatest concern. It is the uncertainty leading up to the vote, and what impact it might have – whatever the outcome – that is unsettling nerves. For too long investment plans, new marketing strategies, acquisitions and restructurings have been put on hold and stifled ambitions. At present, leadership teams are in a holding pattern.
But, with uncertainty comes potential for change. From conversations I’ve had with organisations of all sizes, it appears that the result in June could provide the starting gun that sets off a flurry of new growth and transformation projects.
What is clear is that there is already a scramble for talent that can help implement these initiatives and make the step change that many firms and public sector bodies are looking for. And, it is increasingly common that the demand is being sourced away from home. By looking outside of an industry, organisations are accessing fresh ideas and perspectives that can give them the edge against competitors and steal the march towards growth.
No matter what result we see in June, you can expect a great deal of change to come and that skilled and experienced leaders will be at the heart of it. No doubt, there will be a lot of work ahead as the country navigates the post-referendum environment.
Susan Aubrey-Cound at 29/04/2016 12:37 said:
Peter Alderslde at 01/05/2016 11:46 said:
sharon green at 04/05/2016 14:01 said:
Tim Evans at 05/05/2016 06:23 said:
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