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How to become a non-executive director: 5 things to contemplate when considering a NED career

Jes Ladva, Partner, Odgers Interim and Odgers Connect, explains how you can tell if you have what’s required for a non-executive director role – and how to get yourself NED-ready if you’re not quite there yet.

There are plenty of...

Interim Insights: A conversation with Nick Maishman

Interim management can provide the opportunity to work in a variety of sectors, roles and with different people and business cultures. It can be fast paced and demanding, but it can also be extremely rewarding. We have spoken to...

Supplying new answers: overcoming international turmoil

Tom Legard, Partner, Industrial Practice at Odgers Interim, says that problems with international supply chains are leading some UK companies to look for solutions closer to home.

“Shanghai lockdown stokes global supply chains...

Statement of Support for Ukraine

Odgers Berndtson unreservedly condemns the violent invasion of Ukraine. We are committed to the support of our Ukrainian colleagues and the wider population who we have assisted through donations to charity.

We support all...

Getting to grips with the future: why it’s important to understand the metaverse

Bambos Eracleous, Partner, Media & Entertainment Practice, says it’s time to get to grips with the much-hyped metaverse as it begins to take shape.

Movies such as Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One have already provided a...

Interim Insights: A conversation with Francesco Elia

We speak to Francesco Elia about his experiences of interim management. Francesco is currently working as an Interim CFO for a Social Housing company via Odgers Interim and our Consultant, Annaliese Rogers. 

Francesco, why did...

Lessons Learned from Stonewater: sustainable social housing investment

Annaliese Rogers speaks to Anne Costain, Executive Director, Finance at leading housing provider Stonewater, on the lessons learned from raising ESG finance. The discussion includes their recent adoption of The Sustainability...

Social housing: high level talent shortage calls for strategic skills development

Action is required to address a talent gap that has emerged between the most senior people in the affordable housing sector and the next tier of individuals coming through, says our Partner, Housing, Suresh Lal.

One of the myriad...

Levelling up: a greater emphasis on regional diversity

Acceleration in the regional rebalancing of the UK economy calls for a change in mindset regarding talent shortlists, says our Principal Consultant, Business Services & Life Sciences, Ross Gordon.

One positive to emerge from the...

Extending the boundaries of business impact: Social Mobility

A recent webinar hosted by Adam Gates, Head of the Insurance practice at Odgers Interim and Becky Mackarel, Consultant in our Financial and Professional Services practice, looked at how companies can address socio-economic...

Integrated NHS care: health reforms present new leadership challenges

A shake up designed to join the dots between health and social care is taking place at a time of low NHS staff morale and major funding constraints, says Partner & Head of our Healthcare and Life Sciences Practice SJ Leatherdale. ...

Paradoxes of the pandemic: challenges for BritTech in the hybrid era

Technology companies face a series of major and at times seemingly contradictory challenges in this tumultuous era, says our Head of Technology Paul Wright.

In our recent article, we discussed the challenges and opportunities...

Off-payroll working: keeping on top of the changes

A rise in National Insurance contributions in response to the cost of the pandemic will affect both clients and candidates where off-payroll working rules apply, writes our Operations Manager Ilana Samuels.

Following on from the...

Join us at our next candidate workshop

Earlier this year we were delighted to relaunch our Candidate Workshops. Our January session was the first since 2020 and it was great to host our candidates again.

Our Candidate Workshops are aimed at individuals looking to...

How the UK can be at the forefront of sustainable innovation

Lee Rowley MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy spoke to leaders from across the real estate and construction sectors at a webinar on sustainability organised by...

Enterprise Technology: agile leaders driving the rebound

Following a fall in the midst of the pandemic, new roles in Technology and Interim as a whole have rebounded to surpass 2020 levels, notes our Head of Technology Paul Wright.

Two years of the pandemic

For the Odgers Interim...

An eye to the future: strategic workforce planning in local government

In the era of the Great Resignation, local government is rethinking how to equip senior management and leadership tiers to meet the challenges of tomorrow, says our government lead Siobhan Farlow.

Change has arrived thick and...

FMCG environmental sustainability: mounting pressure to improve sourcing and packaging

Heightened consumer pressure for eco-friendly sourcing together with more stringent packaging regulations have put environmental sustainability centre stage for FMCG manufacturers and retailers, says Odgers Interim consumer...