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The Power of 12 – Transforming client journeys

Becky Mackarel, Consultant in our Financial and Professional Services Practice, speaks to C-Suite Leader and Client Transformation Specialist Christopher Willmott about his experience and expertise in delivering great client journeys

The Media & Entertainment Podcast: The trends, change and future for Film and Cinema

Bambos Eracleous, Partner and Head of the Odgers Interim Media & Entertainment Practice, talks to Delphine Lievens, a Senior Box Office Analyst at Gower Street Analytics.

With UK cinemas gearing-up to re-open their doors to...

Career Stories - Sue Brooks

Welcome to Career Stories, a brand new series from the Interim Leader that explores the journeys of senior executives across the different industries we cover at Odgers Interim.

In our latest episode Bambos Eracleous, Head of...

The Future of Fibre: Reflections on Odgers Interim’s March Roundtable for CEOs in Fibre

Andy Wright, Consultant in our Technology Practice, recently hosted a Roundtable for CEOs in the Fibre Industry, targeted towards the Alternative Network providers (the ‘Altnets’). In this article, he reflects on the issues raised by the industry experts and the future of the Fibre industry

Case study: Interim Transformation Director at Northumbrian Water Group

Terry Noble, Energy & Utilities Consultant at Odgers Interim, speaks to interim transformation expert Tony Martin about his recent assignment at Northumbrian Water Group

The future of green hydrogen as a key component for a zero-carbon economy

Tom Legard, Partner and Head of Energy, Manufacturing & Infrastructure Practice at Odgers Interim, discusses the future of green hydrogen and its importance for a zero-carbon economy

M&A activity in the Consumer sector amidst a post-pandemic recovery

Zoe Wakeham​​​​​​​, Consultant in the Consumer Practice, discusses the increase in M&A activity across the consumer market and the benefit of hiring interim experts to excel in the post-pandemic economy

Are you ready for Off-Payroll working? What clients and candidates in the private sector need to know about the latest IR35 reform

On April 6th 2021, new rules for IR35 will come into effect across the private sector. Ilana Samuels, Operations Manager at Odgers Interim, discusses the changes and explains what candidates and clients need to know now

TikTok in 2021: Rethinking consumer engagement in the age of digital saturation

We discuss the influence of TikTok on consumer behaviour and how companies can capitalize on embracing Social Media trends

The Media & Entertainment Podcast: Music Economics, Digital Disruption and ‘Napster Moments’

Bambos Eracleous, Partner and Head of the Odgers Interim Media & Entertainment Practice, talks to Will Page, the music industry’s first Chief Economist.

Bambos and Will cover a wide range of topics including the challenges and...

Neurodiversity: An interview with John Levell & Danae Leaman-Hill

Leading the conversation for Odgers Interim is Becky Mackarel, Lead Consultant for our Professional Services and Investment Practice.

Becky speaks to Danae Leaman-Hill, Director of Fundraising and Development at Ambitious about...

Top Tips on avoiding Zoom Fatigue

Working remotely has seen the increase of video calling and virtual meetings – and with it the rise of Zoom Fatigue. We asked a number of our recruitment consultants to share their top pieces of advice on how they trying to minimise Zoom Fatigue

Off-payroll working legislation - FAQs

The off-payroll working rules

Q: How do we determine whether we are a medium to large-sized company?

A: You are a medium or large-sized company if you meet two of the following criteria for two consecutive financial years:


Off-payroll working legislation: Useful information for our clients

What is IR35?

IR35 first became law in April 2000. The UK government initiated this anti-tax avoidance legislation in a bid to make sure that individuals working in a temporary capacity via an intermediary such as a personal...

Career Stories – Phillip Luff

Welcome to Career Stories, a brand new series from the Interim Leader that explores the journeys of senior executives across the different industries we cover at Odgers Interim.

In our first episode Bambos Eracleous, Head of...

Exploring the growth, popularity and opportunities for Mobile Gaming

Bambos Eracleous, Partner and Head of the Media & Entertainment Practice, discusses why mobile may soon overtake the console and PC to become the future of gaming

Cultural Transformation in a post-Covid world: Neurodiversity

​​​​​​​Becky Mackarel, Lead Consultant for our Professional Services and Investment Practice, speaks to Danae Leaman-Hill, Director of Fundraising and Development at Ambitious about Autism, and John Levell, independent business transformation and technology consultant and former Non-Exec Chair of the British Dyslexia Association, about their advice to others for supporting neurodiversity in the workplace

The Media & Entertainment Podcast: Diversity & Inclusion

Bambos Eracleous, Partner and Head of the Odgers Interim Media & Entertainment Practice, discusses how events of the last 12-months have begun to shape the industry’s approach to Diversity and Inclusion.

Bambos’ guest...

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