Top 5 Tips on how to set up a successful Interim Career

Top 5 tips successful interim career

In this article, Zoe Spalding, Resourcer at Odgers Interim, shares her top 5 tips on how to set up or start a successful career as an interim manager or executive. 


Are you thinking of embarking on an interim career but unsure if this is the right step for you, or are you wondering how to set up as an interim manager? Starting an interim career can be daunting, as roles are often full-on and challenging, with interims looked to as experts, expected to adjust quickly into new working cultures, understand client requirements, and deliver the brief.
We have compiled a few tips on things to consider before beginning your interim career. Our recent article on what makes a good interim might also be a helpful guide to you.


CV writing

CV writing is an important skill for every professional, with these documents displaying your skills and experience, as well as often influencing both first impressions and recruitment searches. When starting out on your interim career it is important to review your CV, and to understand that Interim CVs tend to differ from those of permanent employees. 

Interim CVs are often shorter, demonstrating track records and highlighting the relevant skills or experiences to a perspective client.

It can be difficult to know how to tailor interim CVs to reflect vast levels of experience, especially when starting out on an interim career, but fear not, we have compiled a useful article to help you tailor your CV in the right way.

If you have any queries on how to set out your CV, or if it requires more or less information, please never hesitate to speak with your recruitment consultant for guidance.


Marketing yourself as an Interim

When starting out as an interim it is important to properly market yourself and your skills. Use your network: colleagues, acquaintances and ex-clients, LinkedIn, recruitment agencies, industry/professional conferences or networking events and other marketing tools.

Understand your skills, strengths, and preferences. What are you looking for in an interim role, what can you deliver on successfully and where do your strengths lie?

Ensure that your LinkedIn profile is up to date. Display key words and key skills clearly, with details of deliverables achieved during assignments evidently presented.

We will be releasing an article with top tips on how to best market yourself as an interim in the next few weeks – this will be based on advice from our working interims who have had personal experience in this – so keep an eye out for it on our website and LinkedIn page.




When preparing for an interview for an interim role it is important to research the role, the client and deliverables. Speak with your recruiter to understand what the client is looking for, where the client is at with a specific project/challenge, and what the reason for the role is.

Research who you will be meeting, the organisation structure and any press that is searchable on the client. The more prepared you are, the more confident you will feel in your interview.

Some roles may not have clear deliverables set by the interview stage, your recruitment consultant will be able to discuss this with you and share any knowledge they have surrounding the reason for the role.

To ease your nerves, you might also want to check out our recent article with top tips for a virtual interview.

We will also be releasing a video in the coming week with top tips for interviewing in a face-to-face scenario, so make sure to check back in. 


Negotiation and Communication

Communication with your recruitment consultant is important, inform them of what you are looking for, what you are NOT looking for, what locations and working patterns are most suitable for you, as well as day rate expectations you are seeking.

If you are unsure on any aspect of the recruitment process, contact your consultant to discuss in more detail.

Our article on how to build a good working relationship with your recruitment consultant, as well as what to look out for in a recruiter might be helpful to you in your process.



Finally, when setting up as an interim manager there is certain admin that needs completing prior to placement. Will you be working via a Limited Company or an umbrella company? These can be set up fairly quickly prior to placements starting but take your time to assess which option is best for you.

References are also required prior to placement. In a lot of cases these will be requested after a placement offer has been made. Your recruitment consultant will request referee details when these are needed. 

Any information required for processing payments, setting up and inputting timesheet details or expenses will be provided when a placement is confirmed. Your recruitment consultant or their executive co-ordinator will be able to confirm this with you.


For any questions around starting your interim career, improving your chances of winning your next interim assignment, or any other interim management related questions you might have, please contact Zoe Spalding for an in formal chat. 


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