We celebrate 20 years in business with the launch of free interim workshops

We’re celebrating our 20th birthday with the launch of interim management workshops, to train the next generation of interim leaders.
As the largest interim management brand in Britain, we will provide these workshops free of charge in order to develop the UK’s interim leadership talent. Tailored to servicing the public, not-for-profit and commercial sectors, the workshops will equip early-stage interims with the necessary skills for a successful interim career. This will include guidance on setting up a limited company, how to go to market as an independent professional and how to navigate legislation such as IR35.
This year we will have placed our 4000th interim into a senior leadership or change management role. As the largest provider of interim managers we feel a responsibility to develop the UK’s talent pool of senior interims, and these workshops are our way of giving back to the community which has been so instrumental in helping us reach the 20 year milestone in such robust health. They will also help us drive our agenda of creating a truly diverse interim workforce by mobilising more female senior executives, as well as those with disabilities, who are LGBTQ or from BAME backgrounds.
The launch of the interim management workshops comes at a time of unprecedented demand for senior interim managers and interim leaders across all business sectors. We have seen 20% annual growth on the previous year, with 2019 being our most successful year to date. The company is expected to report a £50 million turnover for the financial year 2018/19 and has seen a 53% increase in revenues since 2014.
Interim management is now an integral aspect of the UK’s economic vitality, providing expert services via the country’s growing pool of independent professional workers, plugging skills gaps and meeting the demand for greater business agility.
Operating at anywhere between £500 to £3000 a day, interim managers provide immediate impact, bring highly versatile skillsets to organisations and impart knowledge onto the permanent workforce. Turning around a failing business within a matter of months, stepping into the shoes of an untimely departed CEO or conducting a multi-billion pound merger are considered the ‘bread and butter’ of interim management work.
Often called upon in the most challenging circumstances, interim managers bring a unique blend of industry experience and critical skills that means they can be parachuted into organisations to troubleshoot and solve problems from day one. Those that use an interim find they gain immeasurable value from someone who has ‘been there and done that’ successfully many times before.
We will begin hosting its interim management workshops this summer.
Rodger Seaman at 31/05/2019 10:18 said:
Kerri-anne at 31/05/2019 10:29 said:
Peter Marsh at 31/05/2019 11:42 said:
Arif Darr at 02/06/2019 11:44 said:
Nigel Smith at 03/06/2019 10:15 said:
Robert Sawyer at 03/06/2019 12:43 said:
Phil Green at 06/06/2019 08:16 said:
David Rousham at 11/06/2019 09:19 said:
Sue Stahly at 20/06/2019 15:10 said:
Riaz Ali at 26/06/2019 10:32 said:
Peter Branston at 26/06/2019 17:40 said:
Phil Green at 28/06/2019 10:40 said:
Paul Spear at 28/06/2019 18:22 said:
alpesh Patel at 04/07/2019 17:35 said:
Paul Thomson at 08/07/2019 07:55 said:
Howard Bradley at 30/07/2019 16:59 said:
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