April 2021, Issue 103

This month, we reflect on two Roundtable discussions we hosted for both our Local Government Practice and the Fibre Sector. Becky Mackarel and Chris Willmott discuss the importance of transforming client journeys, and Chris Jones explores the future of commuting.

Leadership skills for Directors of Adult Social Services in a post-pandemic economy

Last month, Nik Shah, Consultant in our Government Practice, and Jes Ladva, Partner of our Government Practice, where joined in a Roundtable discussion by Liz Bruce, Director of Adult Social Care & Public Health at Richmond & Wandsworth Councils to learn from Liz’s leadership experience and establish the required skills for future local government leaders

The future of post-pandemic commuting

Chris Jones, Consultant in our Industrial & Transportation Practice, discusses how commuting is likely to change in a post-pandemic work environment and what transport businesses can do to respond to the change in customer behaviour

The Power of 12 – Transforming client journeys

Becky Mackarel, Consultant in our Financial and Professional Services Practice, speaks to C-Suite Leader and Client Transformation Specialist Christopher Willmott about his experience and expertise in delivering great client journeys

The Future of Fibre: Reflections on Odgers Interim’s March Roundtable for CEOs in Fibre

Andy Wright, Consultant in our Technology Practice, recently hosted a Roundtable for CEOs in the Fibre Industry, targeted towards the Alternative Network providers (the ‘Altnets’). In this article, he reflects on the issues raised by the industry experts and the future of the Fibre industry