April 2024, Issue 139

In this edition, the Sports, Media and Gaming Practice, offer some tips on finding the best leadership candidate. We recently hosted a virtual round table featuring industry experts who covered value creation in supply chain. Odgers Healthcare Partners and Head of Private Equity Solutions, discuss health investing trends with expert in the field Vernon Baxter, as a general election looms closer and finally, we heard from Paul Stein, former Chair of Rolls-Royce Small Modular Reactors and sustainable energy expert, on his argument that mature physics must be prioritised over new technologies if net zero goals are to be met.

Avoiding CEO succession mistakes

How to steer clear of hiring the wrong CEO? Bambos Eracleous, Partner for Sports, Media & Gaming, offers some tips on finding the best leadership candidate.

Succession can be a tricky business. Look at the fun HBO had with...

How can PE owners create value from supply chain data in their portfolio companies?

Zoe Wakeham and Daniel Wood from Odgers Interim’s Consumer & Retail Practice, and our Head of Private Equity Solutions, Ross Gordon hosted a virtual round table featuring supply chain experts Jochen Grosspietsch and Raul Portela...

Health investing: waiting lists and a waiting game

Odgers Healthcare Partners SJ Leatherdale and Carmel Gibbons, and Head of Private Equity Solutions, Ross Gordon discuss health investing trends with expert in the field Vernon Baxter, as a general election looms closer.


The economic realities of the energy transition

Tom Legard and Deborah Whitehouse, Partners for Industrial and Infrastructure, hosted an event at which Paul Stein, former Chair of Rolls-Royce Small Modular Reactors and sustainable energy expert, argued persuasively that mature...