December 2015, Issue 40

With 2015 almost at a close, we take a look at the year’s developments and the trends that have made their mark on the economy.

Interim's have provided the support and catalyst for a year of tough decisions and transition

Interims have provided an unwavering commitment to helping businesses and public sector organisations see through that change.

The ‘challenger mentality’: guest interview by Malcolm Wall

The digital revolution has transformed the way we interact with each other and do business. But, more fundamentally, it has had a seismic impact on the dynamics of whole industries. As such, management teams must now dramatically readjust how they think and behave if they are to succeed.

The rise of the ‘end-to-end’ payments expert

After spending years cultivating the plumbing of payment systems within multi-national banking organisations, there is a generation of talent that is breaking away and becoming interim managers.