June 2013, Issue 10

The Professional Service industry has grown in dominance over the course of the last two decades. This month is Paul Smith, who is the Head of the Interim Financial and Professional Services Practice places his focus on the Legal sector.

Are there now more questions than answers in Professional Services marketplace?

Paul Smith, Head of Financial and Professional Services, discusses whether there are now more questions than answers in Professional Services marketplace...

Odgers Berndtson’s new Private Equity Practice

Simon Havers, consultant & head of Odgers Berndtson’s new Private Equity Practice…

Guest Interview with Corinna Christophorou - Strategy Consultant and Interim Director

In this interview, we talk to Corinna Christophorou, Strategy Consultant and Interim Director, about her interim career and strategic consultancy experience.

Odgers Interim saves clients £130m in last 12 months

“As a business we work hard and take our time to identify the individual goals for each client and brief..."