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Kennon will help you find the best person on our team to get to grips with your requirements and start the search for the perfect candidate.

Kennon Kincaid

Kennon Kincaid

Chief Executive Officer - USA

New York

work +1 212 972 7287

2 Grand Central Tower
140 East 45th Street
44th Floor

New York

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A Message of Thanksgiving and Gratitude

As we step into November, a month filled with traditional holidays in the US and around the world, I feel a strong urge to share my deep gratitude for the people in my life—whether family, friends, or colleagues. I remember a...

Delivering Olympic Success: Transportation, Infrastructure, and Leadership

The successful hosting of the Olympic Games demands meticulous planning, robust infrastructure, and visionary leadership often over a decade of preparation and improvement for the host city in advance of the games. As we...

A smart blend of AI and human expertise

Glen Johnson says that although AI will transform industries, human knowhow will remain paramount in many roles—including executive search.

Yes…another AI article, but it’s my first one and I’ve been pondering this for a while.


Retired but not tired

Glen Johnson talks to two corporate executives energized by an exciting new chapter in their careers that allows them to make a big difference—interim executive management.

I was on a Zoom call a few years ago when one of the...

Six Emerging Trends in Interim Executive Solutions as we near the end of 2023

The landscape of interim executive solutions in the US has evolved rapidly in 2023. Organizations, particularly those with private equity backing or international headquarters, are increasingly turning to interim executives to...

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